If you’re cooped up in the library all day, your week is kind of off to a bad start. Sundays should be for relaxation and God. If you’re rushing to do all of your homework in one day, it’s not going to be done as well as if you’d taken the time to do it over a couple of days.

Too much fun in one day and not enough in another leaves you feeling overwhelmed or dry. When you aren’t saving all of your work for one day and instead work on it in increments, everything feels a bit more steady. Here’s why you shouldn’t be like me and should get a bit of a start on your homework prior to Sunday: Your weekend will feel much more balanced. If there were a “Be Like Me” Facebook meme for this situation, it would say this: But once Sunday rolls around and I finally open up my planner, I’m in for a long day at the library. It sounded like a good idea on Friday and Saturday, when I took rest days, hung out with friends and such. The last few weekends I’ve been in the horrible habit of consolidating all of my work due Monday to being finished on Sunday.